Delhi government plan to control air pollution

Delhi Pollution Control Plan

Delhi is facing serious challenges to control air pollution mainly categorised as natural causes and man made causes and reported through SAFAR platform developed by government.

Legal responsible Authorities

Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC),

Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD),

 Delhi Traffic Police,

Delhi Development Authority (DDA),

Delhi State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation (DSIIDC)

Delhi government has Air Prevention and control of Pollution Act, 1981 and 1983 .

Major Initiative under 21-point winter action plan in 2024-

  • anti-dust campaign from October 7
  • real-time monitoring of pollution using drones,
  • deploying special task forces and
  •  putting into action emergency measures, such as artificial rain and vehicle rationing scheme
  • 2024 pollution control theme is ‘Mil Kar Chalein’
  • “Red Light On, Gaadi Off” initiative at traffic signals
  • Earlier, pollution sources were identified manually. This will allow real-time identification and action against sources of pollution on the spot.
  • The annual average PM 2.5 concentration was 101 microns per cubic metre (ug/m3). According to CPCB, the permissible level of PM2.5 is 40ug/m3.
  • Harit Ratna” award to recognise individuals
  • Government will encourage people — both in the government and private sectors — to opt for work-from-home.
  • To ban manufacturing, storage, sale and bursting of all kinds of firecrackers including delivery through online marketing platforms.

Central Government Initiatives related to air Pollution-

System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting and Research (SAFAR) Portal.

Air Quality Index

Graded Response Action Plan (Delhi)

Turbo Happy Seeder (THS) Machine

National Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP)

Polluter Pay principle

BS-VI Vehicles,

Push for Electric Vehicles (EVs),

Odd-Even Policy as an emergency measure (for Delhi)

Classification of air pollution-

0-50 as “good”,

 between 51 and 100 as “satisfactory”,

 between 101 and 200 as “moderate”,

 between 201 and 300 as “poor”,

 between 301 and 400 as “very poor”,

 and over 400 as “severe”.

Anti Dust Compaign-

Deployment of 85 road sweeping machines and 500 water sprinkling machines.

200 anti-smog guns will also be deployed in three shifts.  

The government has proposed artificial rain and Odd-even vehicle rationing scheme as emergency measures to tackle a sudden spike in pollution levels.

Controlling Air Pollution Sources-

open waste burning, industrial emissions, and vehicular pollution

360 teams will be deployed to monitor both Pollution Under Control (PUC) certificates

Traffic police teams will be deployed on 134 roads to reduce congestion

Deployment of Green War Room” and the Green Delhi app

Graded Response Action Plan (Grap) and the ban on firecrackers will be implemented stringently including online delivery.

a bio-decomposer solution will be sprayed over 5,000 acres of farmland.

Biomining Campaign-

In the first phase that began in 2019 following a directive by the National Green Tribunal, biomining, a process involving excavation, treatment, segregation, and utilization of aged municipal solid waste, was initiated at three locations to construct more green walkways in the city.


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